4 contact lenses to prevent discomfort caused by dry eyes
Do you often have a dry and itchy feeling in your eyes? Or do you have a burning sensation in your eyes after working long hours in front of the computer? You may also experience a foreign body sensation that may lead you to feel that a dust particle or other object is in your eye. All these are symptoms of dry eyes. Eyes tend to become dry due to lack of moisture or tears on the surface of the eyes or in the tear ducts. This can happen as a result of the natural aging process, the side effects of taking certain medications, effect of certain diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, collagen vascular disease, or Sjogren’s syndrome.

Also, with long hours spent in front of different screens, both at home and work, dry eyes have become quite prevalent these days. The brightness and glare from phone screens, tablets, computers, and other personal devices are one of the primary reasons for causing the tear ducts in the eyes do not work efficiently. Wearing anti-glare glasses or contacts for dry eyes is one of the most helpful ways to prevent the symptoms of dry eyes. Compared to glasses, contact lenses are hassle-free since there are no issues of scratches or breakage. With many new technologies adopted by manufacturers, the best contacts for dry eyes now include soft contact lenses and rigid gas permeable contacts.
Made with a hydrogel material called high-grade methafilcon gel, contact lenses from Hubble are quite popular among consumers who frequently experience dry eyes. One of the best contacts for dry eyes, these are made of 55% water and very thin materials. Designed for all-day comfort, these daily use contact lenses also provide protection from UV rays. Available in quaint nifty packaging, you can get Hubble contact lenses delivered to you by registering on their official website. With $33 per month, you can a new box of these contact lenses delivered to you every month. You just have to provide your Hubble contacts prescription, which will be validated by your doctor.
Dailies Total1®
This brand of daily use contact lenses from Alcon is another popular choice among consumers who suffer from dry eyes often. These lenses are perfect to prevent dry eyes since the core of these lenses is made of 33% water, while the front and back surfaces are made of 80% water. This keeps the surface of the eyes lubricated and moist. The smooth surface of the lenses does not cause any irritation and provide comfort all day long. A box of 30 lenses cost about $40. You can also opt for an annual supply of these best contacts for dry eyes through the official website. An annual subscription can give you a rebate of $150 to $200.
Optima 38/SP
Manufactured by Bausch and Lomb, the Optima 38/SP contact lenses has been made using the manufacturer’s trademark technology known as Reverse Process III. This technology is used to design a comfortable and spherical lens that is perfect for preventing dry eyes. These soft daily wear lenses have low water content compared to other brands; however, these lenses provide excellent on-eye lens centralization which gives all-day-long comfort. These contact lenses cost around $48 per box, with each box containing two lenses.
One of the best contacts for dry eyes in the soft contacts category, Biofinity® is known to avoid eye irritation and dry eyes due to the high oxygen permeability and protein resistance of the lenses. These lenses can hold water molecules for a long period, thus ensuring that moisture is retained on the surface of the eyes and you do not experience any symptoms of dry eyes. Manufactured by CooperVision, these silicone hydrogel-based contact lenses cost around $45 for a 6-lens box. You can avail of rebates up to $130 if you register for an annual subscription of lenses through the official website.