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Top 10 heart attack symptoms

Top 10 heart attack symptoms

A heart attack is one of the most fatal attacks to happen to a human body. None of us are warned about a heart attack as it can occur at any given time, here are 10 heart attack symptoms: Chest pain The human heart is located to the left the chest; a chest discomfort could easily be one of the strongest symptoms of a heart attack if it stays for more than a few minutes.
Top causes of swollen feet and ankles

Top causes of swollen feet and ankles

The cause of swollen feet and ankles cannot be restricted to a certain type of disease or symptom. Although it is a prevalent condition, it is not defined by one single reason. The cause of swollen feet and ankles is majorly because of, either a condition of fluid retention in the body or a condition of edema.
Top 4 FAQs about cold sores

Top 4 FAQs about cold sores

Our body is equipped with mechanisms to combat whichever disease comes its way. However, there’s only how much the body can take, and when the immune system becomes weak, the disease begins wreaking havoc on the body. One such infection that causes great discomfort and unease are cold sores. What are cold sores?
Treatments and cure of Bell’s palsy

Treatments and cure of Bell’s palsy

Bell’s palsy occurs when there is an inflammation or swelling in the nerve that controls the facial muscles of a person. There are no direct causes of Bell’s palsy but there are many factors that may lead to the inflammation or swelling of the nerve. Some of those factors include herpes simplex, HIV, lyme disease, neurosarcoidoisis, and some risks such as pregnancy, diabetes, lung infection or family history.
Treatment options for Dupuytrens disease

Treatment options for Dupuytrens disease

Dupuytrens contracture is a condition which is caused due to excess collagen accumulating in the palm of your hand. The excessive collagen leads to nodules (tender muscle lumps) and strands of muscle tissue being formed. This tissue formation leads to curling of your fingers inward, which can be a chronic condition.
Treatments available for different stages of metastatic renal cell carcinoma

Treatments available for different stages of metastatic renal cell carcinoma

Cancer that spreads beyond its source of origin is termed as metastatic cancer, which in case of kidney cancer results in a condition called metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Stage 4 kidney cancer is most advanced and at this point, cancer starts spreading to vital organs in the body through a process called metastasis.
Treating the signs of carotid artery disease

Treating the signs of carotid artery disease

The goal of treating the signs of carotid artery disease is to prevent the recurrence of symptoms of the same such as bruit, Transient Ischemic Attack. The treatment options for carotid artery disease include lifestyle changes, medications, and other medical procedures. Lifestyle changes To avoid carotid arteries from progressing, it is advisable to quit unhealthy daily habits such as smoking, and consuming junk food.
Treatment for endocrine disorders

Treatment for endocrine disorders

The endocrine system is a network of glands that produce multiple hormones that control many important body functions. These hormones also possess the ability to change the calories into energy, this energy powers the cells and organs. Apart from this, the endocrine system influences the growth of your bones and tissues, your heartbeats, and the ability to conceive.
Top 4 skin tighteners in the market

Top 4 skin tighteners in the market

The skin is one of the most delicate parts of the body. The skin has an amazing tendency to repair and protect itself from the stress it goes through due to our hectic lifestyle. However, as one grows old, there is a decrease in the natural elements of the skin such as collagen and elastin.
Two modes of determining the survival rate for B-cell lymphoma

Two modes of determining the survival rate for B-cell lymphoma

B-cell lymphoma is one of the two primary types of Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). Lymphoma is known to affect major sites of lymph tissue in the body, specifically the lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow, thymus, adenoids, tonsils, and the digestive tract. B-cell lymphoma mainly affects the white blood cells (lymphocytes) crippling the immune system, making the body severely vulnerable to imminent external threats.
Treatment plans and medications for depression

Treatment plans and medications for depression

Treatment plans and medications for depression According to the World Health Organization, the estimated number of people around the world affected by depression are around 350 million. It is the most common illness worldwide and is a leading cause of disability. WHO states that it is a common mental disorder that is characterized by persistent sadness and a loss of interest in activities that a person usually enjoys, accompanied by an inability to carry out daily activities for at least two full weeks.
Top 4 Fitbit bands to keep up with fitness goals

Top 4 Fitbit bands to keep up with fitness goals

Having a fitness band on your wrist can be more than just you trying to keep up with trends in the technology world. It is a great way to track your health goals and body metrics. If affordable, sporty, competitive, and athlete-friendly are some of the things on your checklist of fitness trackers, Fitbit might have some great options for you.