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Symptoms and Causes of Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Symptoms and Causes of Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinoma is one of the most common forms of skin cancer. It develops in the squamous cells, which constitute the middle and outer layers of the skin. Doctors usually do not perceive this type of skin cancer as life-threatening. Still, if left untreated, it can grow large or even spread to other parts of the patient’s body, causing serious health complications and problems characteristic of cancer in general.
Multiple Myeloma treatments

Multiple Myeloma treatments

What is multiple myeloma? The fundamental cause of cancer is the abnormal multiplication of cells in our body. Cells of any part of our body can become cancerous and this disease may spread to other parts of the body as well. When plasma cells become malignant, then this medical condition is called multiple myeloma.
Avail best treatment for Type 2 diabetes

Avail best treatment for Type 2 diabetes

Diabetes is the disease which is mainly caused due to high blood sugar level in the body. Blood sugar is the main source of energy in the body that a person gets from the consumption of food. Insulin is the special hormone which is produced by the pancreas and helps in converting sugar in the body to glucose.
Best Treatment Options to Regrow Your Hair

Best Treatment Options to Regrow Your Hair

In today’s world of never-ending fashion trends, how unfortunate would it be if you had to limit your styling possibilities due to severe hair loss? Hair is that part of your body that adds beauty and personality to your overall look. Luckily, technology has advanced to such an extent that hair loss, which was once a permanent condition can now be reversed.
What are the common and rare symptoms of Graves’ disease

What are the common and rare symptoms of Graves’ disease

An autoimmune disorder, Graves’ disease is a form of hyperthyroidism, i.e., it causes the thyroid gland to produce excessive amounts of hormones. It is one of the most common health conditions and usually affects women around the age of 40, but it is diagnosed among men too. The exact cause behind the onset of this disease is not known, so it is hard to anticipate which people are most likely to contract it.
A few treatment options for asthma and coughing

A few treatment options for asthma and coughing

Chronic asthma management involves identifying the triggers, avoiding them and using rapid action treatment options for relief. The use of long-term prescription treatments depends on the patient’s age, the symptoms, the triggers, and what works best for them to keep asthma under control. The long-term prescription treatment generally is taken daily.
Symptoms and treatment of chronic myeloid leukaemia

Symptoms and treatment of chronic myeloid leukaemia

Cancer can affect any part of your body. Chronic myelogenous leukaemia refers to the type of cancer that attacks the bone marrow and blood cells. This is also known as chronic myeloid leukaemia. This type of cancer usually affects elderly people. In cases of chronic myelogenous leukaemia, genetic abnormalities in the blood cells cause chromosomes to switch places and create abnormal connections.
Osteoporosis: Risk factors, symptoms and treatment

Osteoporosis: Risk factors, symptoms and treatment

Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition in which the immune system starts to attack its own healthy cells and tissues. As a result, the joints and the membranes surrounding the joints become inflamed and releases enzymes that damage and break bone cartilages. The condition can lead to osteoporosis. It is a stage when the bones have become less dense and are more likely to fracture.
5 simple home remedies to cure hay fever symptoms

5 simple home remedies to cure hay fever symptoms

Hay fever is an allergic reaction to pollen and dust. It can be seasonal, that is a person suffers from hay fever during a particular season. For instance, some people may show hay fever symptoms due to an allergic reaction to tree pollens that permeate the air during spring. Or some might be allergic to weed or grass pollens in the summer.
Know the Common Signs of Huntington Disease

Know the Common Signs of Huntington Disease

Huntington disease is a progressive brain disorder, which causes gradual deterioration of the nerve cells in the brain. The disease causes changes in the central area of the brain, affecting one’s functional abilities such as movement, mood, and rational thinking. People with Huntington disease usually begin experiencing symptoms in their 30s and 40s.
Common Signs and Symptoms of Eczema

Common Signs and Symptoms of Eczema

Eczema is a term used to refer to a group of medical conditions which cause the skin to become irritated and inflamed. Infants commonly suffer from this condition though they usually outgrow it by their tenth birthday. However, in some cases, people continue to suffer from symptoms of eczema that affect their skin on and off throughout their life.
Ways to treat a concussion

Ways to treat a concussion

The brain is a soft organ that is surrounded by spinal fluid, which acts as a cushion against the skull (the hard outer layer that protects the organ from injuries). A concussion typically occurs when the brain hits the skull due to a head injury. Even if there are no visible symptoms initially, one should get examined after suffering a head injury and then seek treatment to prevent health complications associated with a concussion.