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Dental Implants And Their Costs

Dental Implants And Their Costs

There is absolutely no substitute for healthy teeth. As we get older or injure ourselves on the mouth, we begin missing teeth. A dental implant is an alternative to the dentures or bridges used to replace missing or decayed teeth. A dental implant does not come loose, as it is fixed and deeply rooted with a titanium screw.
Understanding Multiple Sclerosis And How To Manage It

Understanding Multiple Sclerosis And How To Manage It

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease that is immune-mediated and progressive. It leads to the body’s immune system responding abnormally, thereby damaging the central nervous system. The condition causes the demyelination of the brain and the nerve cells of the spinal cord. Due to this process, there is a malfunction of the axons—the parts of the nerve cells that are responsible for conducting impulses to other cells.
Treatment Options For Tongue Cancer

Treatment Options For Tongue Cancer

Tongue cancer is one of several kinds of oral cancer. It forms in the front ⅔ s of the tongue. Cancer which forms in the back of the tongue is a different type of head and neck cancer, which is treated differently. Usually, tongue cancer develops in the squamous cells.
Treating Overactive Bladder Naturally At Home

Treating Overactive Bladder Naturally At Home

Overactive Bladder (OAB) is a condition affecting about 33 million Americans overall. Only a few of them seek medical help, as most people are embarrassed to discuss this particular condition with their healthcare provider. In addition to this, some do not ask for help because they think there aren’t any treatments available for an overactive bladder.
Things You Need To Know Before Treating Multiple Myeloma

Things You Need To Know Before Treating Multiple Myeloma

Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer that usually forms in the plasma of the bone marrow. Plasma cells help make antibodies, thereby fighting infections. This type of cancer occurs in the bone marrow by crowding out the healthy blood cells. While the condition has no cure, healthcare professionals recommend treatments to manage the symptoms and improve one’s quality of life.
4 Essential Things To Know Before You Choose A Plaque Psoriasis Treatment

4 Essential Things To Know Before You Choose A Plaque Psoriasis Treatment

For those who are unfamiliar with plaque psoriasis, it is an autoimmune skin disease in which people start developing elevated and scaly patches of skin on various areas of their body. Generally, the elbows, knees, and scalp are the most susceptible areas. Fortunately, the condition can be managed with the right treatment options.
Four Important Questions To Ask When Planning To Treat Multiple Myeloma

Four Important Questions To Ask When Planning To Treat Multiple Myeloma

Multiple myeloma is the cancer of bone marrow. It causes the destruction of the bone cells which leads to fractures, pain, and spinal compression. Many people suffering from this type of cancer are not able to diagnose the symptoms by themselves. This can lead to further complications which can make the disease terminal in many cases.
4 Things To Know About Multiple Sclerosis And Its Symptoms

4 Things To Know About Multiple Sclerosis And Its Symptoms

Multiple sclerosis is an immune-mediated disorder that is progressive in nature. This disease affects the central nervous system and leads to a potentially disabling effect. In this condition, the system designed to promote good health of the body goes on to strike and attack body parts that carry out imperative daily functions.
Eosinophilic Asthma – Here’s What You Need To Know

Eosinophilic Asthma – Here’s What You Need To Know

Eosinophilic asthma (EA) is a severe type of asthma that is characterized by a high amount of white blood cells known as eosinophils. An essential part of the body’s immune system eosinophils help fight infections by destroying any type of invading bacteria. However, in individuals suffering from EA, this type of white blood cells lead to swelling and inflammation in the respiratory system.
Treatment Goals for Hodgkin’s and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

Treatment Goals for Hodgkin’s and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

Lymphoma is a cancer that develops within the lymphatic system or the body’s germ defense system, which comprises the spleen, bone marrow, and lymph nodes (and glands). The condition has two main types—Hodgkin’s lymphoma (also known as Hodgkin’s disease), and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Doctors recommend lymphoma course of treatment to destroy all traces of cancerous cells (if possible) while easing cancer symptoms and improving patient life quality.
4 Tips To Find The Right Massage Therapist

4 Tips To Find The Right Massage Therapist

Planning to go for a massage session? Whether you want to give your body a quick relaxing break or want to get relief from a health condition, a good body massage therapy session will not only help you relax but also make you feel revitalized. You will get relief from sore muscles and pain as well.
An Overview Of Osteoporosis- Risk Factors, Symptoms, And Treatments

An Overview Of Osteoporosis- Risk Factors, Symptoms, And Treatments

Osteoporosis is a disease where the bones become fragile, weak, and brittle because of the loss of bone mass and a loss of bone tissue. A “silent disease”, osteoporosis affects an individual silently because he/she doesn’t realize their bones are getting weaker. It is only noticed when a bone breaks.