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Common Types of Anemia

Common Types of Anemia

Anemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin (the protein that carries oxygen) in the body is lower than expected. Bodies with inadequate healthy red blood cells are unable to carry adequate oxygen to the body’s tissues, causing a myriad of health issues. There are many types of anemia, however, iron deficiency anemia is the most common type, accounting for up to 80% of cases worldwide.
Early and Vague Signs of Multiple Sclerosis

Early and Vague Signs of Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease that targets the central nervous system, which comprises the brain and spinal cord. MS progressively damages nerve cells in the body, leading to problems with muscle movement, vision, and other abilities. Symptoms include walking problems, blindness in one eye, slurred speech, and tremors. These symptoms can be vague or subtle and often appear in the early stages of the disease.
Treatment options for depression

Treatment options for depression

The mood disorder that can cause sadness and disinterest in almost everything is known as depression. It can lead to a lot of physical and emotional issues. If left untreated, it can lead to the patient not being able to see any point in living, or worse. This mood condition can be treated with the right medication if diagnosed correctly.
Parkinson’s disease – How to prevent it the natural way

Parkinson’s disease – How to prevent it the natural way

A brain disorder that leaves your body impaired. That is how one would define Parkinson’s disease. It results in one’s body trembling and becoming extremely stiff, almost rendering the person immobile. The person finds it extremely difficult to walk, balance himself, and coordinate his brain to do body movements. The condition aggravates with time and leads to several other problems like behavioural changes, irregularities in sleep patterns, depression, and memory failure.
Effective natural remedies for pain management

Effective natural remedies for pain management

While popping a pill for any kind of pain like backache, toothache, or headache might work in the short run, you should know that pills often have some side effects that are better avoided. As an alternative, some simple home remedies for pain management can help you feel better. The mentioned remedies are effective ways of pain management, but it’s advisable to seek medical advice in case the condition worsens.
Pregnancy symptoms one should know about

Pregnancy symptoms one should know about

Pregnancy is a term that refers to the period during which the development of a fetus takes place inside a woman’s womb. Once the pregnancy stage passes successfully, the woman gives birth to a child. There are certain signs or symptoms, which indicate that a woman is pregnant. While many may be common knowledge like morning sickness, others may not.
Sexual conditions – Causes, risk factors, and treatment

Sexual conditions – Causes, risk factors, and treatment

A sexual condition is the inability to have a satisfactory sexual relationship with a partner. When hormones and neurological pathways do not work in sync, sexual desire could be hampered. This can affect the quality of life and even raise some serious concerns over the patient’s medical and mental well-being.
Home remedies and treatment options for mouth and teeth problems

Home remedies and treatment options for mouth and teeth problems

The human body has many essential body parts, and one of the most crucial parts of the body is the mouth. It entails a lot of different functions such as: Take in food as well as drinks Breathe in the air around It helps with kick-starting the process of digestion as the teeth chew the food you eat Helps in speaking and singing Since there are many different mouth and teeth problems, here are some of the most common home remedies you can adopt to cure them.
Foods one should eat to maintain kidneys and liver health

Foods one should eat to maintain kidneys and liver health

The human body has a system of multiple inter-related processes. The kidneys and liver are crucial organs, as these cleanse your body of toxins. Any disorder or infection in these organs may interfere with the other bodily processes. One needs to be aware of certain remedies and foods that help keep these organs in peak shape.
Improving your mental health at home

Improving your mental health at home

While your physical well-being is important, keeping your mind healthy is a must. If you are suffering from anxiety, stress, or any other brain disorder, it will reflect in your physical health too. People who are suffering from poor mental health exhibit symptoms like hypertension, an abnormal increase in the rate of the heartbeat, or a sharp pain in the chest.
Multiple sclerosis – what are the treatment options

Multiple sclerosis – what are the treatment options

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a kind of condition in which the immune system does not respond as it should. It gets directed against the working of the central nervous system (CNS). The CNS entails optic nerves, spinal cord, and the brain. It is meant to work in tandem with the immune system.
Treatment options and home remedies for gout

Treatment options and home remedies for gout

Uric acid crystals result in gout. It is an inflammatory condition that usually affects men as a type of arthritis. It causes severe joint pain around the knees, feet, and ankles. However, there are certain measures that one can take for gout treatment. We will discuss these as well as home remedies in this article.