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How Medicare Advantage plans work

How Medicare Advantage plans work

Medicare Advantage plans, also known as “Medicare Part C” or “MA Plans” are a channel for individuals to obtain health insurance benefits provided by private insurance companies and approved by Medicare. These plans also cover everything provided by Medicare Part A and Part B along with other benefits such as coverage for prescription drugs, dental, and vision issues.
What is California State Disability Insurance

What is California State Disability Insurance

California State Disability Insurance (SDI) is a disability program under the Employment Development Department’s wing, where a portion of the employee’s income is routed to a state fund that offers short-term-disability benefits. SDI defines disability as any form of mental illness or physical injury that hinders one from performing regular and customary work.
Basic insurance covers every business should have

Basic insurance covers every business should have

Every business is exposed to risks in its line of work and having an insurance coverage is the only way businesses can be free of any untoward liability that can arise due to various external factors, both environmental and manmade. Being subject to a legal lawsuit on liability challenges can affect a business’s reputation as well as even cause a complete shutdown in some cases if they do not have the insurance to cover the litigation and other expenses.
How to compare Medigap plans

How to compare Medigap plans

Medigap plans are health insurance plans that cover gaps in Medicare plans such as deductibles, co-payments, and health care when you travel abroad. There are 10 Medigap plans that are lettered from A to N, and each covers a different set of gaps. While some Medigap plans charge higher premiums offering more coverage, there are others that offer lower premiums if you agree to pay for some of the gaps out of your pocket.
Advantages of Obamacare insurance

Advantages of Obamacare insurance

Obamacare is an informal term given for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. The act passed by the Obama administration succeeded in providing health insurance to nearly 50 million people in the country who were not covered up until 2010. Obamacare was especially useful to those people whose incomes were not good enough to be able to afford high premiums levied by private and independent insurance companies.
Things to know about retiree health insurance

Things to know about retiree health insurance

It is important to focus your attention on getting health insurance as your retirement approaches. It can give you the peace of mind knowing that your health is covered. Retiree health insurance is when you are retired and have Medicare and group health plan (retiree) from a former employer. In such a scenario, Medicare covers your bills first followed by your group health plan.
Benefits offered by Veteran Affairs

Benefits offered by Veteran Affairs

The Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) is a federal agency that provides health care for veterans at medical centers across the country. The agency also provides benefits such as education and training, pension, transition assistance, disability compensation, life insurance, vocational rehabilitation, home loans, and burial benefits. Below is a brief insight into each of these benefits.
Tips for choosing the best travel health insurance plans

Tips for choosing the best travel health insurance plans

Taking a much-needed vacation abroad? Make sure you protect yourself with a travel health insurance before you set off on your adventures. Your existing medical insurance or Medicare and Medicaid programs will not offer you with coverage for hospital or medical costs outside of the country. It is, therefore, important that you get a separate travel health insurance that will cover you during any medical emergencies that arise during your travels.
Aetna vs AARP Medicare supplement insurance plans

Aetna vs AARP Medicare supplement insurance plans

Aetna is a company that offers health care insurance plans and services such as Medicare plans, Medicaid services, medical management, behavioral health programs, medical, pharmacy, and dental plans. Aetna offers health care spending assistance to nearly 37.9 million people in the country. The AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of individuals aged 50 and above.
How to save on costs when picking a travel insurance

How to save on costs when picking a travel insurance

Travel insurances are bought on whims of fear by travelers. While this does put the mind at ease when traveling, the cost of these insurances are sometimes too high and may put a strain on your expenses. In order to find the best deals at a cheap price, here are some things to understand before availing of a travel insurance.
Top pet insurance covers preferred by pet owners

Top pet insurance covers preferred by pet owners

The demand for pet insurances has grown rapidly over the past few years as more and more people are looking to afford the best veterinarian care possible for their pets. The market has a lot of pet insurance offerings to choose from, but picking the most viable option depends on the inherent features and the overhead costs.
Car insurance and why you need it

Car insurance and why you need it

If you own a car you must know that maintaining it is very costly. To add to this is the car insurance which will vary depending on the make, model, state you live in and of course the liabilities. Your age, number of earlier accidents, etc., all contribute towards insurance. Here are a few basic things you should know about insurance.