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All You Need To Know About An Emergency Fund

All You Need To Know About An Emergency Fund

Just as the name suggests, an ’emergency fund’ is a fund, which can be used in times when you have no other funds to fall back on. It is used to fulfill a shortfall when something unpredictable comes up in the future. Since it is a reliable fund it needs to hold various guaranteed investments.
Effective Ways To Protect Your Finances During The Next Recession

Effective Ways To Protect Your Finances During The Next Recession

Recession isn’t a new phenomenon. In fact, in the 1930s, the Great Depression caused a massive stir in the world economy. It perhaps paved the way for the misuse and depletion of resources, which perhaps decades later led to the Recession of 2008 courtesy the Lehman Brothers getting bankrupt. Economic downturn is the biggest enemy affecting the common man at present.
3 Effective Tips To Manage College Debts

3 Effective Tips To Manage College Debts

Pursuing higher education usually means more complications when it comes to finances. It can be expensive such that many students opt to take student loans to fund their higher education. Moreover, it is often the child who is supposed to repay the loan once he or she is financially stable.
3 Financial Issues Faced By Expats Working In The Us

3 Financial Issues Faced By Expats Working In The Us

The US has been a dream destination since decades for people around the world to live in. The work opportunities, growth prospects, corporate culture, and the American dream are all major factors that help contribute to this. Earning in US dollars could mean that an expat can save up and maybe provide a better lifestyle for their family, even if someday they decide to head back to their native country or shift to another country.
3 Financial Tasks That Are Easier Than You Think

3 Financial Tasks That Are Easier Than You Think

We are often led into thinking that financial management is much simpler than it looks. It is perhaps because of the way self-help authors or rich businessmen influence us with their thoughts. Not only have their methods but also the guaranteed success achieved by many have been foolproof. It is also believed that if you have fewer assets, you would not require technically sound financial advice because there isn’t much to manage.
4 Behaviors That Could Risk Your Financial Stability

4 Behaviors That Could Risk Your Financial Stability

It is often believed that we are our own best friend or enemy. When it comes to personal finance, it holds true as well. Often, we are quick to rely on external factors such as inflation, government policies, banking policies, market fluctuations, and so on for our financial security. While they do play a role in affecting it to some extent, there are people who manage to deal with these effectively and maintain financial stability.
5 Financial Risks That Are Worth Taking

5 Financial Risks That Are Worth Taking

As you start to earn, there are plenty of ways to navigate your assets. You will encounter a lot of options that will help you expand your financial horizons. Right from stocks to mutual funds to property investments, building your portfolio is a great option. Apart from this, there are various other options that you can consider.
5 Financial Steps To Undertake For Military Personnel Before Deployment

5 Financial Steps To Undertake For Military Personnel Before Deployment

A job with the military is a rather prestigious one, no doubt. However, since you are deployed and are living away from your family, you would want to ensure that they remain safe and financially secure. If you are a military personnel, the last thing you would want on your mind while spending time with your loved ones before you are deployed to duty would be financial stress about the future of your family.
5 Mistakes That Can Haunt Your Finances

5 Mistakes That Can Haunt Your Finances

In today’s world, where money is required to help finance one’s life decisions, it is extremely important to be wise when making financial decisions. One wrong move can literally cost you a financially secure and comfortable future. Thus, there are some things that you must absolutely stay away from, no matter how inevitable you think it is to fall prey to them.
5 Things Teens Can Do To Prepare For Financial Independence

5 Things Teens Can Do To Prepare For Financial Independence

In this day and age, teens are tech savvy and very enterprising. They are go-getters and their fast-paced lifestyle forces them to think about money from a young age. However, a great majority of students are still pessimistic about their earning potential with the rising levels of unemployment. Parents are a big influence on children, and they can inculcate healthy spending and saving habits in children from a young age.
6 Liabilities That Will Affect Your Net Worth

6 Liabilities That Will Affect Your Net Worth

A net worth is an overview of your financial health. It is a sum of your assets after subtracting the liabilities. It is fairly easy to calculate and it allows you to track your monetary success. For effective financial management, it is important to separate your liabilities from your assets.
6 Reasons Why Financial Planning Is A Must For Everyone

6 Reasons Why Financial Planning Is A Must For Everyone

We cannot begin to stress enough how important financial planning is for a successful and financially stress-free future. However, very often, we tend to believe that financial planning is only for the rich and the well-to-do because they have the money to plan for and not for the ones who aren’t doing very well.