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Top 10 Home Remedies to Treat Gum Disease

Top 10 Home Remedies to Treat Gum Disease

Gum disease or gingivitis is the result of poor oral hygiene. Plaque builds along and under the gum line leading to gingivitis. The symptoms manifest as—persistent bad breath, swelling in the gums accompanied by redness, bleeding in the gums, loose teeth, and receding gums. While poor oral hygiene can be identified as the sole factor causing gingivitis, other factors like hormonal changes, smoking, stress, a diet that is nutritionally deficient, certain medications, diabetes and other illnesses can be contributing factors.
The Probiotic Guide for Crohn’s Disease

The Probiotic Guide for Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s Disease also known as Ileitis is a chronic disease that affects the bowels. Crohn’s disease is known to cause acute inflammation of the digestive tract and measurably deteriorates the quality of your life. This disease is named in honor of Dr. Burill B. Crohn who in 1932 first identified the complication.
Things You Should Know About Affordable Dental Implants

Things You Should Know About Affordable Dental Implants

Who doesn’t dreams of a flawless white set of teeth like those in commercials or of the celeb’s? While few of us are blessed with a good and perfect set of teeth, there are few others who are cursed with dental flaws, no wonder why they shy away from being photographed.
Understanding the Benefits of the Alkaline Diet

Understanding the Benefits of the Alkaline Diet

An alkaline diet is a diet that maintains a balanced pH level in the body by controlling the alkaline nature of the fluid. Many health conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, vitamin D deficiency, and low bone density to name a few can be prevented by following a regular alkaline food chart.
Treatment Options for Curbing Chronic Diarrhea

Treatment Options for Curbing Chronic Diarrhea

Chronic diarrhea interferes with your life very seriously. In the case of some people, it can be managed with some diet changes and prescription medications. As far as some other people are concerned, it requires a combination of different approaches to find relief. The treatment for chronic diarrhea depends on the symptoms and the intensity of the problem and choosing the right combination treatment is the key to bring relief in a fast manner.
Useful Tips for Herniated Disc Treatments

Useful Tips for Herniated Disc Treatments

Spinal disc herniation is commonly referred to as a slipped disc. It is a physiological disorder that affects the spinal column. In this, a tear occurs outside the fibrous circle of a prolapsed disc. This allows the soft, central part to protrude at the further side of the damaged outer rings.
Taking a Look at Different Types of Male Incontinence Products

Taking a Look at Different Types of Male Incontinence Products

Various research studies have shown that urinary incontinence or uncontrollable urination can be associated with 10 to 35 percent of older men. However, you cannot link this problem with older men alone. There are several younger men who have been suffering from this problem because of various types of health problems.
Things You Should Know about Meniscus Tear Treatment

Things You Should Know about Meniscus Tear Treatment

Both our knee joints have a meniscus, which is a cartilage that acts as padding between the femur and tibia. This piece of cartilage can be damaged or torn while performing activities that exert pressure on the knee joints. For people who play games like football, basketball, soccer, and tennis, a meniscus tear is quite common.
Smart and Creative Weight Loss Tips You Must Know

Smart and Creative Weight Loss Tips You Must Know

Losing weight does not have to hard always. If it becomes a torture, you easily get bored, and the entire journey of weight loss becomes a daunting task. If you ask best weight losers, they would say that the key to weight loss is to follow the right procedure and stay motivated.
Understanding the Common Causes of Diarrhea

Understanding the Common Causes of Diarrhea

Unpleasant, inconvenient, and unfortunately very common, diarrhea is one of the second most common illnesses in the US and has happened to almost everyone at least once. While an adult gets diarrhea for any reason at least four times on an average in one year, American children typically display seven to fifteen cases of diarrhea from infancy up till the age of five.
Understanding the Symptoms of Pollen Allergy

Understanding the Symptoms of Pollen Allergy

The allergic reactions that are caused by the stamen of flowers are known as pollen allergy. The allergy is caused when the pollen disperses in the air. Due to its fine texture, it is easily transported by air currents. When you inhale pollen, or if it comes in contact with your nose, mouth, or nasal passages, you might get the allergy.
Tips to Get a Relief from Gas and Bloating

Tips to Get a Relief from Gas and Bloating

Belching, burping, passing gas in odd social situations may be embarrassing. Although it may seem funny to others, it is a severe problem for someone who is suffering from gas and related feeling of bloating. Intestinal gas and the feeling of bloating are unpleasant and a common cause of physical discomfort.