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Metastatic Breast Cancer and its Treatments

Metastatic Breast Cancer and its Treatments

The term metastatic is used to define cancer that spreads from the place of origin to other parts of the body. Metastatic breast cancer forms in the breasts but spreads to the lymph nodes and other organs such as the brain, lungs, or liver. In most cases, or rather in a majority of patients diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, there is no real cure for the disease.
Effective Therapies Followed at Depression Treatment Centers

Effective Therapies Followed at Depression Treatment Centers

Depression can be caused by a combination of reasons. The factors that cause depression can be genetic, psychological, biological, or even environmental. The theory that depression is caused by an imbalance of chemicals or neurotransmitters in the brain has been difficult to prove, and the MRI’s of people suffering from depression appears different from those without depression.
Know about the Treatment Methods to Cure Severe Eosinophilic Asthma

Know about the Treatment Methods to Cure Severe Eosinophilic Asthma

When a patient is diagnosed with severe eosinophilic asthma, indicating the presence of more than normal levels of eosinophils, doctors begin treatment with a goal of controlling and improving the symptoms. This can be done by reducing the eosinophils that are present in the airways. As the levels of eosinophils reduce, a person will be able to regain control of their breathing.
Metastatic Breast Cancer – Risk Factors and Treatment Options

Metastatic Breast Cancer – Risk Factors and Treatment Options

Stage IV of breast cancer, or the advanced form of breast cancer, is commonly referred to as metastatic breast cancer. Although not a specific type of cancer, it denotes the severity and stage of the progression of the disease. At this stage, the cancer has spread beyond the breast and has affected the lymph nodes associated with other organs in the body, such as the bones, liver, lungs, and even the brain.
Significance of Biosimilars in Treatment of Multiple Myeloma

Significance of Biosimilars in Treatment of Multiple Myeloma

Biosimilars are a copy of the original biologic medical product used in the treatment of a particular disease. These are also known as follow-on or subsequent entry biologics. Biosimilars are officially approved versions of the original “innovator” medicines and are manufactured by a different pharmaceutical company. However, biosimilars can be manufactured only after the patent of the original biologic expires.
Home Remedies to Alleviate Gout Pain

Home Remedies to Alleviate Gout Pain

Gout is a condition wherein an accumulation of excess uric acid crystals in the joints leads to severe pain. The reason for this is inflammation in the joints, especially the feet. Apart from medications, there are also some home remedies that you can follow to alleviate the pain. Take a look at these natural ingredients to take adequate care during a gout attack:
Natural Remedies to Treat Heartburn

Natural Remedies to Treat Heartburn

Heartburn is a condition wherein one experiences a burning pain in the chest, just behind the breastbone. It occurs when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus, which is the tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach. This occurrence of the stomach acid flowing into the esophagus is also referred to as acid reflux.
Common Medications to Manage Flu

Common Medications to Manage Flu

Also known as influenza, flu is a viral infection, commonly experienced by kids and adults alike. It is caused by the influenza virus that infects the nose, throat, and lungs. It usually lasts for five to eight days after symptoms begin to appear. The severity of the flu and the symptoms differ from person to person.
Understanding the Treatment of a Helicobacter Pylori Infection

Understanding the Treatment of a Helicobacter Pylori Infection

Doctors usually treat Helicobacter pylori infections with a minimum of two distinct antibiotics taken simultaneously. This treatment for Helicobacter pylori is to help prevent the concerned bacteria from building a resistance to a specific antibiotic. It’s a crucial feature of the treatment for Helicobacter pylori, and your doctor can also recommend or prescribe an acid-controlling drug or suppressant to help heal your stomach lining.
What Are The Sleep Apnea Treatments

What Are The Sleep Apnea Treatments

You might be amazed to know that people stop breathing at least thirty times in an hour while sleeping at night. This is due to a medical condition that is known as sleep apnea. This condition makes people suffer from breathing problems while sleeping, they may experience uncontrollable breathing and also sudden pauses in the breathing process.
Everything You Need to Know About Medullary Breast Cancer

Everything You Need to Know About Medullary Breast Cancer

Medullary Breast Cancer is a rare type of cancer with a better than average prognosis. Here’s everything you need to know about the disease. Similar to most other types of breast cancer, medullary breast cancer may not manifest in any type of visible symptoms during its early stages. This is a rare type of breast cancer that accounts for only about 5 percent of all breast cancer cases.
Everything You Need to Know About Haemophilia in Children

Everything You Need to Know About Haemophilia in Children

Get all your questions pertaining to haemophilia in children answered here. A first aid kit is your best friend as a parent. Children seem to know just how to walk in an unbalanced gait and topple over without any external help. The result is an extraordinary number of bumps and bruises that need more than a mother’s kiss to make better.