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8 Ways to Treat Back Pain Without Surgery

8 Ways to Treat Back Pain Without Surgery

Back pain is one of the most common health problems that affect a large number of people in the country. The pain can range from a minor, constant ache to a sudden, sharp, and penetrating sensation that makes the person unable to move. Back pain can strike at any time.
Lifestyle Changes That Can Help Control Blood Sugar

Lifestyle Changes That Can Help Control Blood Sugar

High blood sugar is a condition in which the sugar cannot be effectively transported from the blood into the cells. If left untreated, the condition can result in diabetes. As per a study, approximately 50% of the people in the country either have diabetes or are classified as pre-diabetic. Thankfully, there are some easy ways of controlling blood sugar levels to avoid all short-term and long-term problems.
Best Outpatient Rehabilitation Centers in the Country

Best Outpatient Rehabilitation Centers in the Country

It is best to rid yourself of an addiction by getting yourself treated. You can opt for an outpatient rehabilitation program. These programs provide for great facilities and services for treatment on a daily basis. These programs usually last for just over a month to years at a stretch. While you may stay on the facility premises for several hours every day, you can return home afterward.
Guide to Choose the Right Shoes for Heel Pain

Guide to Choose the Right Shoes for Heel Pain

A survey conducted in the year 2014 showed that 8 out of 10 American people have some type of complication regarding their feet. The overall stability of one’s health and life depends on the condition of the feet because it is that part of your body that gets used for the most part of the day.
Top Diet Plans of 2018

Top Diet Plans of 2018

Maintaining a healthy diet is necessary, to say the least. Processed and junk foods have become an integral part of our diet, and eating too much of it can lead to serious health issues in the long run. The number of people suffering from high sugar and salt levels in the blood has exponentially increased.
Choosing the Right Treatment for Spinal Stenosis

Choosing the Right Treatment for Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis is an extremely painful condition that causes the narrowing of the spaces within the spine. This puts pressure on the nerves that travel through the spine and may lead to several complications. Spinal stenosis commonly occurs in the neck and the lower back. One of the major drawbacks of this condition is the fact that its onset may come with symptoms to indicate the presence of the condition.
10 Healthy Foods that Naturally Lower Cholesterol Levels

10 Healthy Foods that Naturally Lower Cholesterol Levels

Good cholesterol is extremely important to the human body and it is produced in the liver. It is helpful in creating different hormones in the body and also helps in keeping the cells flexible. But, just like anything else, too much of anything is not good for the human body.
All You Need to Know About Insulin Pens

All You Need to Know About Insulin Pens

To effectively manage diabetes, some patients need to take insulin shots throughout the day. An insulin pen is an effective insulin delivery system that makes giving these shots extremely easy and comfortable. Insulin pens are quickly gaining popularity in the country. These pens include an insulin cartridge, a disposable needle, and a dial to measure dosage that helps in delivering the exact amount needed by the body.
How to Treat and Prevent Heartburn and Indigestion

How to Treat and Prevent Heartburn and Indigestion

Heartburn is an unpleasant condition often characterized by a burning sensation in the throat and chest. Most of the times, it is triggered by the food we consume, especially acidic, fatty or spicy foods. Heartburn and indigestion are often used interchangeably. But, it is important to understand that heartburn is a symptom of indigestion.
Home Remedies for Ear Infection

Home Remedies for Ear Infection

Ear infections can be really troublesome and outrightly painful. More commonly reported among children, these ear infections can be caused to several reasons, such as bacterial or viral infection, sinus infections, cavities, wax build-up, allergies, tonsillitis, etc. But in most cases, simple and easy home remedies work wonders as ear infection treatment.
Top 5 Sleep Medications Available Over the Counter

Top 5 Sleep Medications Available Over the Counter

Not getting a good night’s worth of sleep is a huge problem for working people. Not only do you have to get up early but you also have to face the wrath of inadequate sleep ruining a potentially long day at work! Whether it is your baby keeping you up all night, or the stress of work, the average adult needs at least 6 hours of sleep while children need a minimum of 8 hours of sleep for their mind to function properly.
Your Ultimate Guide To The Limited Editions Of Jeep Wrangler

Your Ultimate Guide To The Limited Editions Of Jeep Wrangler

Your ultimate guide to the limited editions of Jeep Wrangler If you are an adventure enthusiast and love cars more than anything, then owning a Jeep Wrangler is sure to be a point on your bucket list. Apart from its robust features, for people who change their cars quite often, this brand also offers great resale value.