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4 misconceptions about contraceptives

4 misconceptions about contraceptives

4 misconceptions about contraceptives There is a lot of information as well as misinformation on birth control. More often than not, it is hard to distinguish between the two. Here are 4 myths on birth control that need to be debunked immediately. Birth control keeps you safe from sexually transmitted diseases This myth is perhaps one of the most important ones that need to be debunked.
Facts behind the common birth control myths

Facts behind the common birth control myths

Facts behind the common birth control myths The field of contraception and gynecology has advanced. One very crucial component of this field is birth control. Right from condoms and pills to IUD (Intrauterine Device), there are plenty of methods to ensure that there is no occurrence of unwanted pregnancy. Even so, there are plenty of misconceptions revolving around the usage of birth control.
How lifestyle changes help in improving psoriatic arthritis

How lifestyle changes help in improving psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is a type of arthritis that causes inflammation. The symptoms of this condition are generally stiffness, pain, and swelling in the joint which can flare up or subside. It is common among those who suffer from this type of arthritis to wake up with morning stiffness. It is a condition that can be treated with medication and lifestyle changes but cannot be cured permanently.
List of foods that naturally whiten the teeth

List of foods that naturally whiten the teeth

Teeth begin to turn yellow with age. But, some simple ways can help you in retaining the white color of your teeth. There are numerous tooth whitening kits available in your nearest medical store. But, most of these are chemical-based products, which bleach your teeth. If you want to whiten the teeth and at the same time want to avoid chemicals, you should intake foods that whiten teeth naturally say no to red wine, dark berries, and black coffee.
Pros and cons of a ketogenic diet

Pros and cons of a ketogenic diet

Ketosis is a metabolic reaction that takes place when the body does lacks carbohydrates and looks to burn fat instead to give the body the energy it requires. Ketogenic diets have recently become very popular, but few realize that it comes with a variety of both pros and cons. The benefits of this diet have been well established and the results are very appealing.
Natural remedies to get rid of flea infestation

Natural remedies to get rid of flea infestation

A flea infestation can be extremely frustrating. This is because fleas are difficult to get rid of. Besides, their bites can cause allergies and other health problems for humans as well as pets. So, it is extremely important to take proactive measures to manage the infestation. The popular method of using chemicals to get rid of fleas often has other harmful effects.
5 common FAQs pertaining to Social Security Disability Insurance

5 common FAQs pertaining to Social Security Disability Insurance

5 common FAQs pertaining to Social Security Disability Insurance Social Security is the monetary assistance that the government offers to people who have inadequate or no income. Along these lines, the government offers Social Security Disability Insurance to workers who can no longer work owing to an illness or impairment before they reach their retirement age.
Do You Have Any of These Bladder Cancer Symptoms?

Do You Have Any of These Bladder Cancer Symptoms?

Keeping an eye out for these common bladder cancer symptoms can be effective in early diagnosis and treatment of the disease. The bladder in your body is a balloon-shaped organ that stores urine, and it is located in your pelvic region. When cancer cells start to develop inside this organ, the condition is termed as bladder cancer.
Save big on your next prescription with GoodRx Gold

Save big on your next prescription with GoodRx Gold

Healthcare services have become super expensive and people often struggle to pay their medical bills despite having a decent health insurance plan. And the rising cost of prescription medication is one of the main reasons why investing in a prescription membership program is crucial. A pharmacy discount and savings card eliminates the middleman and offers great discounts on the retail cost of the medication.
You must avoid these foods to effectively manage hemophilia

You must avoid these foods to effectively manage hemophilia

Healthy eating is easier said than done. The difficulty multiplies when you are living with a chronic disorder. Likewise, depending on the type of hemophilia someone has been detected with, the patient may or may not need to switch to an alternative diet. For hemophilia A patients, it might not be that big a deal.
4 beneficial foods for hemophilia patients

4 beneficial foods for hemophilia patients

Hemophilia is a genetic disorder that is mostly diagnosed at a young age. The blood doesn’t clot as it should in people with this disease, causing excessive bleeding, which can turn life-threatening. The condition largely occurs due to the absence of certain blood-clotting proteins (called clotting factors), although it can also be acquired due to an immune system issue.
4 dietary tips for managing hemophilia

4 dietary tips for managing hemophilia

When suffering from hemophilia, it is vital to care for your overall health and pay attention to your nutrition. The point behind this is to stay healthy and ensure that your body is getting a sufficient amount of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins that it needs. Here are some dietary tips that’ll help you stay healthy and keep your hemophilia at bay.