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The importance of insurance covers for businesses

The importance of insurance covers for businesses

Every business has risks in its regular functions and the best way to protect the assets of a business is to ensure that every aspect is appropriately insured. The top five reasons why businesses require insurance are as follows: The law mandates that every business that has employees needs to have specific insurances such as unemployment and disability, worker’s compensations, etc., depending on the place of business and the associated risk profile of the business.
Tips to acquire funds for startup businesses

Tips to acquire funds for startup businesses

Most businesses face great difficulties in sourcing funds to either set up their business or expand the same. A greater difficulty one might face is for start-up businesses because they do not have records to prove their financial stability from sales or other ventures in the market. In these cases, a business has to go through multiple channels to get the desired loan approved and kickstart their business.
Things to know about using a collateral to secure small business loans

Things to know about using a collateral to secure small business loans

Every lender, be it a traditional bank or a financial institution, scrutinizes a business’ assets to evaluate the business’ current standing and its future potential in order to estimate the repayment value of the loan borrowed. The major aspects that lenders look at are the business’ history, revenue generation, credit score, balance sheet, business credit, and equity contributions.
Programs that help veterans start up a business

Programs that help veterans start up a business

While the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) does not have a separate entity to source out business loans for its veterans, they provide financial aid through their cooperative programs with the Small Business Administration (SBA). Although some of these programs have ceased to exist since 2013, the federal government does have other options for veterans seeking financial aid for businesses.
How Medicare Advantage plans work

How Medicare Advantage plans work

Medicare Advantage plans, also known as “Medicare Part C” or “MA Plans” are a channel for individuals to obtain health insurance benefits provided by private insurance companies and approved by Medicare. These plans also cover everything provided by Medicare Part A and Part B along with other benefits such as coverage for prescription drugs, dental, and vision issues.
What is California State Disability Insurance

What is California State Disability Insurance

California State Disability Insurance (SDI) is a disability program under the Employment Development Department’s wing, where a portion of the employee’s income is routed to a state fund that offers short-term-disability benefits. SDI defines disability as any form of mental illness or physical injury that hinders one from performing regular and customary work.
How to get personal loans with bad credit score

How to get personal loans with bad credit score

Sometimes, we are stuck in a cycle of debt and are in need of some relief. The cycle also affects our credit scores which in turn makes getting loans a difficult task. Here are 7 tips you can follow to get a loan: Loan from friend or family This is the best option for taking a loan as the credit score wouldn’t be an issue although the relationships might be at stake.
Basic insurance covers every business should have

Basic insurance covers every business should have

Every business is exposed to risks in its line of work and having an insurance coverage is the only way businesses can be free of any untoward liability that can arise due to various external factors, both environmental and manmade. Being subject to a legal lawsuit on liability challenges can affect a business’s reputation as well as even cause a complete shutdown in some cases if they do not have the insurance to cover the litigation and other expenses.
Understanding the need for identity theft protection services

Understanding the need for identity theft protection services

Identity theft protection agencies offer a wide range of services that include protecting an individual or a business’ identity and financial information. There are a plethora of identity theft protection agencies available. These agencies offer services depending on the level of security sought by the customers. The basic protection is to monitor the credit and transactions of the customer and detect any anomaly in the use of information or finances.
Benefits of hiring commercial debt collection agencies

Benefits of hiring commercial debt collection agencies

Every business extends a credit line to its customers and sometimes may have receivables pending due to the slow payments from customers. The delay in these receivable can reflect on a business’s balance sheet and subsequently affect the financial status of a business leading to bad debt. While the collection of these payments can be handled internally, the use of commercial debt collection agencies can help businesses that have a wide range of customers and need dedicated resources to track down receivables.
How to compare Medigap plans

How to compare Medigap plans

Medigap plans are health insurance plans that cover gaps in Medicare plans such as deductibles, co-payments, and health care when you travel abroad. There are 10 Medigap plans that are lettered from A to N, and each covers a different set of gaps. While some Medigap plans charge higher premiums offering more coverage, there are others that offer lower premiums if you agree to pay for some of the gaps out of your pocket.
Advantages of Obamacare insurance

Advantages of Obamacare insurance

Obamacare is an informal term given for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. The act passed by the Obama administration succeeded in providing health insurance to nearly 50 million people in the country who were not covered up until 2010. Obamacare was especially useful to those people whose incomes were not good enough to be able to afford high premiums levied by private and independent insurance companies.