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Different causes of migraine that you should know

Different causes of migraine that you should know

Ever had a sudden headache which erupted through your whole body causing nausea, vomiting or even temporary blindness? Then you just might be suffering from a migraine. But guess what, you are not alone, about 38 million people suffer from a migraine each year in the US which makes it 1 in every four households.
Home Remedies for Treating Chronic Pain

Home Remedies for Treating Chronic Pain

Chronic in simple terms means persistent and for prolonged periods. Chronic pain thus includes many discomforts caused due to various reasons, which will last for a long time. It is estimated that chronic pain affects 1 out of 5 people in the country which is quite the statistic. In case of chronic pain, sometimes even if the pain source has been taken care of, chances are your brain is still getting signals from the affected area that the pain is persistent.
6 Essential Multivitamin Supplements that Promote Women’s Health

6 Essential Multivitamin Supplements that Promote Women’s Health

The modern world can take a toll on a person’s health as a majority of us are rather consumed in making our lives comfortable. In a bid to excel at everything, we often neglect that one crucial aspect of our lives that makes everything possible—our health. Our ancestors made a valid point when they asserted that “health is wealth” since it is humanly possible to attain all your ambitions only if you are healthy.
Understanding Metastatic Lung Cancer and Its Effective Treatments

Understanding Metastatic Lung Cancer and Its Effective Treatments

To get acquainted with metastatic lung cancer, you will first have to understand the term metastatic. Today, lung cancer is one of the most common cancer that both men and women in the country suffer from. In the initial stages of lung cancer, the cancer cells multiply rapidly in the lungs but they do not branch out and affect your other body parts.
Find out How You Can Strategically Choose a Rehab Center

Find out How You Can Strategically Choose a Rehab Center

Most people have an assumption that drug rehab centers simply cure addiction problems but that is not entirely true. Today, drug rehab centers not just help you maintain sobriety, but they also ensure that the other aspects of your wellbeing like your physical, mental and emotional health are also taken care of.
Opioid Addiction and Common Treatments for Managing the Condition

Opioid Addiction and Common Treatments for Managing the Condition

Opioids refer to a variety of legal and illegal drugs including heroin, morphine, oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine, and fentanyl. They are alternatively referred to as narcotics or opiates and also include prescription painkillers that are given after a major surgery to provide relief. Doctors, from time to time, might prescribe opioids for people who are suffering from chronic pain.
An In-depth View of Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment for Deficiency Anemia

An In-depth View of Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment for Deficiency Anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is one of the most common types of anemia. It is caused by a significant deficiency of iron in the human body. The iron deficiency is determined from blood tests that indicate a drop in the red blood cells. The primary function of the red blood cells is to carry oxygen to the body’s tissues.
Factors to Know About Outpatient Rehabilitation Centers

Factors to Know About Outpatient Rehabilitation Centers

Those looking for help to get rid of their addiction make the right choice by choosing a rehabilitation center. Choosing a rehabilitation center is also one of the most important decisions to make and it can be tricky to get the right kind of assistance. There are certain deciding factors that are important for you to know as they will influence your decision-making process.
Pivotal Factors to Understand about Asthma Medications

Pivotal Factors to Understand about Asthma Medications

A chronic disease, asthma is a lung condition that afflicts millions of people around the world. From children to adults, every individual is at the risk of suffering from this health issue. Asthma is characterized by the inflammation of the airways and the bronchial tubes. The airways are responsible for the regulation of airflow in the lungs and its inability to do the same leads to tightness in the chest, cough, difficulty when sleeping and shortness of breath.
All You Need to Know about Alcohol Rehabilitation

All You Need to Know about Alcohol Rehabilitation

Consuming alcohol is a common practice among most people and those who consume it occasionally, describe it as social drinking. However, binge drinking is the kind of alcohol consumption that proves to be unhealthy. Binge drinking is consuming an excessive amount of alcohol in a short period of time. This habit leads to a severe case of alcoholism, where an individual is severely dependent on alcohol and is unable to control consumption of the same.
6 Symptoms That Indicate That You Are Suffering from COPD

6 Symptoms That Indicate That You Are Suffering from COPD

The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a progressive lung disease where a person typically suffers from emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Emphysema is a lung condition where the alveoli, which are the tiny sacs in the lungs that allow the passage of oxygen between the lungs and the bloodstream are destroyed.
Types of Insulin Pens and Their Important Features

Types of Insulin Pens and Their Important Features

Managing the medications on a daily basis is difficult for diabetes patients who require regular insulin shots. Since they can inject the insulin injections at home themselves, they need to keep the syringes, disposable needles, and vials always handy. It becomes important for them to be careful about the dosages and the right time they need to give themselves the required medications.