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3 basic needs of a new baby

3 basic needs of a new baby

Infant child care is an extremely important subject that many people and parents talk about. Becoming a parent is a matter of taking care of your child’s need from infancy to adulthood, and ensuring that your child gets the best possible care in terms of comfort, safety, nutrition and support.
How to save money using Similac printable coupons

How to save money using Similac printable coupons

There are several reasons why some women feed their newborns formula instead of breast milk. For many women, breastfeeding may not be possible for several reasons. The reasons can range from illness to postpartum depression, lack of sufficient production of breast milk etc. For these women, formula-feeding can be a real boon.
How to communicate with your child

How to communicate with your child

A baby is a wonderful addition to any family and it brings on much laughter and so many challenges for the new parents. Starting from taking care of an infant to rearing a feisty little toddler who is forever testing the waters (and your patience), there are a number of things that go into becoming a parent to a wonderful child who blossoms well.
How to learn your baby’s needs

How to learn your baby’s needs

Being present for your child is one of the best gifts that you can give him or her. It is imperative to be completely invested in your children because this is what will bring out the best in them. In order to be fully invested in your children, you will have to start when they are infants and toddlers so that a pattern and routine is set for you as a parent and for them as your offspring.
Furniture for different stages in a baby’s life

Furniture for different stages in a baby’s life

There are a number of things that come into the home when a baby is about the enter the same. The would be parents are excited and they prepare well so that the child gets the bets of everything. In such cases, it can become an overwhelming exercise where either they stock up on things that they do not need, or they miss out some essentials.
Pre natal must-dos for expecting mothers

Pre natal must-dos for expecting mothers

The pre natal phase or the pregnancy of a lady is one of the most joyful yet the most crucial times of her life in terms of the level of care that has to be accorded to her in mental and physical terms. This has to be done because the health and development of the fetus depends to a great degree on the health of the expecting mother.
Possible causes for a high risk pregnancy

Possible causes for a high risk pregnancy

Ideally during your pregnancy, you should be healthy and happy as this has a direct bearing on the health and development of the child. But there are some cases where this not possible due to many medical conditions. There are many such complications that can lead to a high risk pregnancy.
Planning your pregnancy: When to get pregnant

Planning your pregnancy: When to get pregnant

There are many stages in life that give us a sense of fulfillment and the feeling of complete happiness. Pregnancy and child birth are such phases where we prepare for a lifetime of parenthood activities. This phase is one where a woman takes maximum care of herself in the physical and emotional sense.
Here’s all you should know about the best time to get pregnant

Here’s all you should know about the best time to get pregnant

Pregnancy ensues when the sperm of a man fertilizes the egg of a woman and the fertilized egg implants itself in the uterus. Conception happens quickly for many women but for others, it may take some time. Out of 100 couples seeking conception, 80 percent of them might conceive within a year, according to several journals on gynecology and reproductive health.
What are the first week signs of pregnancy?

What are the first week signs of pregnancy?

It is easy to miss the signs of pregnancy at the very start. The very first early signs of pregnancy can easily be interpreted as symptoms of PMS. However, if you experience any of the below-mentioned symptoms then there is a good chance that you might be pregnant. Here are some first week signs of pregnancy.
Ectopic pregnancy symptoms and risk factors – what you need to know

Ectopic pregnancy symptoms and risk factors – what you need to know

In an ectopic pregnancy, a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus. This kind of pregnancy does not deliver babies and it is impossible to put this egg back into the uterus. It is estimated that just over 2% of all pregnancies are ectopic in nature. Ectopic pregnancies are and should be medically terminated.
Due date calculator: What you need to know

Due date calculator: What you need to know

The excitement of having a baby starts from the day one learns about the pregnancy, or from the time that one starts to plan the baby. Apart from taking good care of one’s mind and body, pregnancy is also a time when one needs to indulge in various other activities like preparing for the child.