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Get ready for that precious moment with a due date calculator

Get ready for that precious moment with a due date calculator

Expecting your little bundle of joy soon? Want to do a ground study about EDD (Expected Due Date)? Well, a lot of science is involved behind them. There are some handful ways to calculate the due date. Before reading further, please understand that the due date calculator can provide the nearest estimate of when the baby arrives in the world.
Most popular baby shower favors

Most popular baby shower favors

The most precious things in life often include pregnancy, child birth and child rearing. When a woman is pregnant, her heart and mind is filled with visions of happiness, love and fulfillment. Pregnancy is a time when a woman spends nine months in anticipation even as she takes complete care of herself in emotional and physical terms, which has a direct bearing on the well-being of the child.
Great ideas for baby shower favors

Great ideas for baby shower favors

Baby showers are a great way to shower love on an expecting mother, wish her well and make her feel special. It is a union of happy friends and family members who join the mother to celebrate her new journey, which is about to begin. And that is why, baby shower is an age old tradition celebrated all over the world.
Online pregnancy test and other tests to detect early pregnancy

Online pregnancy test and other tests to detect early pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the best phases of one’s life. It is important to detect pregnancy at the right time so that one can have all the check-ups done and take the necessary precautions. Detecting pregnancy at the right time is a matter of calculations based on your last period and the missed one, as well as the signs and symptoms that come during the first weeks of pregnancy.
How to take an online pregnancy test

How to take an online pregnancy test

The topic of pregnancy can be overwhelming for many. While some women may try to conceive, others could have double thoughts. Also, the fear of unwanted pregnancy can be a huge concern irrespective of one’s age and profession. So, taking a test is the easiest way to eliminate any fear-inducing doubts.
Stem cell banking with LifeCell

Stem cell banking with LifeCell

LifeCell is one of the most important global names involved in stem cell banking. Stem cell banking involves the practice of collecting blood that is still leftover in the umbilical cord of the new born baby as well as the placenta so that it may be used in the future for medical treatment purposes.
Prepare for the unknown by saving your baby’s umbilical stem cells

Prepare for the unknown by saving your baby’s umbilical stem cells

There are many different types of cells in the human body. One of the most important are the stem cells. These cells have the ability to morph into any other type of cell whenever required. They cells can be harvested from two sources a person’s bone marrow and a baby’s umbilical cord.
Crib – A baby’s best friend

Crib – A baby’s best friend

The crib is the first place where you put your newborn to sleep at home. It is the best choice for your tiny one to sleep when compared to a bassinet, cradle or a bedside sleeper. When you plan to buy a crib for your baby, ensure buy a JPMA certified one.
How to choose a crib for a baby

How to choose a crib for a baby

Choosing the different items to bring up your baby in the best possible way is one of the most important things that every new parent must do. A crib, stroller, carrier, bath tub and other such items are some of the things that we invest in, when a baby is about to arrive.
Let your babies go mobile with baby strollers

Let your babies go mobile with baby strollers

While traveling, to keep your baby safe and comfortable, you need a stroller. For buying a stroller you do not have to shell lot of money. You can find the best baby strollers at a decent price. Strollers come in various price range and offer different features. As new parents, you may be confused to make the right choice.
Here’s what you need to know before getting an au pair

Here’s what you need to know before getting an au pair

An au pair is an adult or a young adult aged between 18 and 30 years, who belongs to a different country and provides live-in domestic childcare for approximately 10 to 12 months. An au pair can play a role of an elder sibling for your children. You can find these individuals via au pair childcare agencies that ensure protecting the rights and interests of the involved parties.
3 mistakes to avoid while choosing an au pair

3 mistakes to avoid while choosing an au pair

Getting an au pair for your baby is a major step. Unlike nannies, au pairs are like temporary family members who will be providing live-in childcare assistance. The most unnerving part of welcoming an au pair in your home is that you don’t know them well. Moreover, the biggest challenge is to make them comfortable to develop a harmonious relationship.