Home : Pets animals
Here’s how house pets and domestic animals differ

Here’s how house pets and domestic animals differ

The word “pet” conjures images of enthusiastic dogs and cats. These furry friends have become an integral part of many people’s lives. According to the 2021-2022 National Pet Owners Survey, around 70% of households own at least one pet. But are dogs and cats the only pets in the world?
Dog breeds that make good family pets

Dog breeds that make good family pets

Are you thinking about bringing home a pet dog? If yes, you might have several questions, like which breed would be suitable and whether it will be friendly with your kids. To make it easier, we have compiled a list of dog breeds that make good family pets. Remember that it helps to involve all the family members in this discussion.
Best pet product brands to try

Best pet product brands to try

Pets are great companions, and watching them play or just having them around can make you feel happy. People try to give their pets the best products to ensure they lead long and healthy lives. In fact, stores are filled with specialized pet food and pet care supplies offered by different companies.
9 interesting facts to know about cats

9 interesting facts to know about cats

In ancient Egyptian culture, cats were highly revered. People discovered that felines were quite attentive when it came to learning orders and tricks. Today, many people prefer to have cats as pets for many reasons, such as they don’t require much space, among others. If you are planning to get one, then you may be keen on knowing some facts about them.
8 birds that make for fabulous pets

8 birds that make for fabulous pets

Getting a bird as a pet can be a rewarding experience. Birds are an excellent company. But before you bring a new bird home, you need to be aware of a few key details. Every breed has distinct characteristics, demands, and behaviors. Therefore, you must choose the ideal pet bird for your family’s way of life.