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Here’s What You Need to Know about Eczema

Here’s What You Need to Know about Eczema

No underlying disease triggers eczema. Eczema occurs when a patient’s immune system overreacts to some irritant. By taking some preventive measures, one can avoid or relieve the symptoms of this condition. Symptoms of eczema In most cases, eczema comes with itchy skin, irrespective of which body part is affected. One may also develop rashes on the face, behind the knees, hands, wrists or feet, and sometimes, this could be preceded by itching.
Symptoms and Risk Factors of Breast Cancer in Males

Symptoms and Risk Factors of Breast Cancer in Males

As far as the symptoms of male breast cancer are concerned, a specific cause has not been identified yet. Men are susceptible to breast cancer if there is a strong family history or the presence of an abnormal gene inherited from their parents. What are the symptoms of male breast cancer?
All You Need to Know about Pinched Nerve

All You Need to Know about Pinched Nerve

A pinched nerve occurs when too much pressure is put on a nerve by the surrounding tissues like the bones, the tendons, the cartilage, or muscles. This pressure disrupts the nerve’s functioning and causes pain, weakness, tingling, or numbness. A pinched nerve can occur at a number of sites in the body.
Common Symptoms and Treatments for Varicose Veins

Common Symptoms and Treatments for Varicose Veins

No one would like to spot some blue or dark purple colored veins on his or her legs or any other body parts. If you find such veins sneaking through your skin, you should talk to a dermatologist. This disorder is known as varicose veins and they form due to some faulty valves that pass blood in the wrong direction.
All You Need to Know about Meningitis

All You Need to Know about Meningitis

Have you ever heard about meningitis? Do you know what it is and what are all the things that are related to it? Is meningitis contagious? These are some of the common questions about meningitis. The fact of the matter is that many people are not completely aware of this disease.
Things You Must Know about Vertigo

Things You Must Know about Vertigo

Do you ever experience giddiness that lasts too long and is spontaneous in nature? If so, then you might need to get a check-up done as you may be suffering from vertigo. It is a disease which may suddenly make you feel extremely giddy and you may experience the world rotating around you.
An Extensive Guide to Itchy Eyes Treatment

An Extensive Guide to Itchy Eyes Treatment

When your eyes are red and itchy and if there is swelling on your eyelids, you may be having eye allergies known as allergic conjunctivitis. Eye allergies may be caused or triggered by pollen from trees, weeds, grass, etc. It may also be caused by irritants like perfumes, cigarette smoke, or diesel exhaust.
Causes and Symptoms of Lupus

Causes and Symptoms of Lupus

Lupus can cause severe swelling and inflammation in various parts of the body. It is one such autoimmune disease that can affect almost everyone in a different way. Some people might experience severe symptoms whereas other might experience milder ones. The symptoms will generally surface in adulthood till the person reaches their 30s.
Tension Headache Symptoms and Home Remedies

Tension Headache Symptoms and Home Remedies

Headaches are very common these days. Long working hours on the laptop and an excessive use of gadgets often lead to a headache. Most people ignore headaches or get temporary relief by taking painkillers. But, do you know that a headache can be the first symptom of a deadly disease?
Allergies- Types, Symptoms, and Treatments

Allergies- Types, Symptoms, and Treatments

An allergy is a disease caused when our immune system becomes hypersensitive due to contact with any foreign substance. These allergic reactions vary from person to person –while some allergies are less complicated with rashes or redness on skin some can be fatal like sending you into an anaphylactic shock where you find it difficult to breathe.
All You Need to Know about Neuropathy Foot Pain

All You Need to Know about Neuropathy Foot Pain

There are various ways to resolve neuropathy foot pain including medication and several therapies, but it is important to identify the underlying cause first. It occurs when there is damage to any of the peripheral nerves. Symptoms of Neuropathy foot pain Neuropathy foot pain is a result of some affected nerve of the peripheral system.
Natural Ways to Treat Allergic Disorders

Natural Ways to Treat Allergic Disorders

Allergies can be of many types, such as skin allergy, dust allergy, pollution allergy, food allergy, animal allergy, drug allergy, and many more. As per a study of the American population by the Allergy and Asthma Foundation of America, it has been found that around 25% of the American population suffers from allergic disorders.