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Hip Bursitis – Causes, Risk Factors, Symptoms, and Treatment

Hip Bursitis – Causes, Risk Factors, Symptoms, and Treatment

The hip joint is one of the strongest joints of the human body. It helps us to stand and walk and absorbs the impact when we jump. However, it is not immune to wear and tear. Hip bursitis or the inflammation of a bursa in the hip is one of the common causes of hip pain.
Seasonal Allergy Triggers, Symptoms and Medications

Seasonal Allergy Triggers, Symptoms and Medications

According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, about eight percent of Americans have an allergy that occurs in a particular season. Seasonal allergies occur when your immune system overreacts to an outdoor allergen (something that triggers an allergic response), such as pollen. The pollens that spread seasonal allergies are from wind-pollinated plants, such as trees, grasses, and weeds.
Common Symptoms of Hepatitis C

Common Symptoms of Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is an infection caused by a virus that attacks the liver and damages it. This leads to inflammation of the liver. The virus that causes this condition is the hepatitis C Virus (HCV). This disease was identified in the year 1989 until when it was termed as non-hepatitis A and non-hepatitis B.
Heartburn – Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options

Heartburn – Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options

Heartburn is a condition that results from a disturbed digestive system. In this condition, the acidic contents of your stomach end up going back up through the esophagus pipe as a result of reflux. This leads to an uncomfortable feeling that is characterized by a burning sensation in the chest, which is commonly known as heartburn.
Causes and Symptoms of Pain in the Foot

Causes and Symptoms of Pain in the Foot

Foot pain can cause immense discomfort. While foot pain usually just requires a good few hours of relaxations and rest to fade away, sometimes it persists for a long period of time for no evident reason. In this scenario, one must consider that there is a possibility of an underlying condition which is causing the pain.
Type 2 Diabetes – Causes, Symptoms, and Dietary Options

Type 2 Diabetes – Causes, Symptoms, and Dietary Options

Diabetes is a deadly and life-long persisting disease that impacts the way in which your body deals with glucose intake. It can be the cause of various other diseases and thus must be addressed at the initial stage. The most common type of diabetes is type 2 and it affects nearly 27 million people in the country.
Causes and Symptoms of Kidney Failure

Causes and Symptoms of Kidney Failure

It is estimated that more than 30 million adults in the country are living with kidney disease and most are not aware of it. There are a number of visible signs of kidney disease, but sometimes people associate them with other health problems. Most of them are unable to  identify kidney failure symptoms until a very late stage, that is, when the kidneys are failing or when there is a large amount of protein in the urine.
Enlarged Prostate – Symptoms and Natural Remedies

Enlarged Prostate – Symptoms and Natural Remedies

The prostate is the muscular gland in the reproductive system of men, which is very small in size. Almost 50% of men who are in their 60s face prostate enlargement, and this percentage reaches 90% for those who are 85 years old or above. The first sign of prostate enlargement is frequent urination at night.
Fibromyalgia – Symptoms, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Fibromyalgia – Symptoms, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, and Treatment

There are a variety of factors leading to the development of the symptoms of fibromyalgia, and it is important to determine the underlying symptoms. If anyone experiences symptoms of fibromyalgia, such as the ones listed below, a timely diagnosis has to be made before treatment can be initiated. Fibromyalgia symptoms checklist The following are some of the common symptoms of fibromyalgia:
Here is How You Can Identify the Symptoms of Osteoporosis

Here is How You Can Identify the Symptoms of Osteoporosis

When the body loses bone mass faster than it can restore its bone health, this bone disease is known as osteoporosis. Osteoporosis causes bone loss and affects the mineral density that makes the bones weak and more susceptible to fractures. An estimated 10 million people in the country suffer from osteoporosis and 80% of the cases reported are women.
Dupuytren’s Contracture – Its Symptoms and Causes

Dupuytren’s Contracture – Its Symptoms and Causes

Dupuytren’s contracture, a deformity, is triggered in the hand. It develops when a layer of tissue beneath the skin in the palm forms knots. These knots then go on to create a thick cord that pulls one or more fingers, causing them to bend. Unfortunately, this condition can make everyday tasks difficult like shaking hands, using gloves, and holding objects.
5 unique signs and symptoms of acid reflux

5 unique signs and symptoms of acid reflux

A ring of muscle known as the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is located right at the entrance of our stomach. This esophageal sphincter is meant to close as soon as the food that we eat passes through it. However, in a condition where the esophageal sphincter fails to close or if it keeps opening regularly, the acids produced by the stomach travels up to the esophagus.