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Fibromyalgia Disability, Understanding its Causes, Symptoms And Treatments

Fibromyalgia Disability, Understanding its Causes, Symptoms And Treatments

Fibromyalgia is a case that is characterized by pain and pressure all over the body. The disability is not completely arthritis, but it is considered as a similar condition. Fibromyalgia affects the tissues and joints by causing severe pain to them. If you are experiencing severe pain in your joint areas, you could be suffering from the symptoms of this disorder.
Common Dry Eye Symptoms

Common Dry Eye Symptoms

Dry eye condition, the medical name for which keratoconjunctivitis sicca, is a prolonged syndrome that is very common today. Its primary causes are the absence of the required lubrication and wetness in the eye. This dry eye syndrome ends up causing swelling and damaging of the front portion of the eye.
Facts About Symptoms of Hepatitis C and More

Facts About Symptoms of Hepatitis C and More

A maximum number of people, approximately 70 to 80 percent, who are suffering from acute h epatitis C infection, do not perceive symptoms of h epatitis C . Due to this reason, it is very tough to know about the illness at an early stage. Usually, the warning signs of this disease occur within 14 days to 180 days after being infected by the hepatitis C virus ( HCV ).
Symptoms of Heartburn That You Should Be Aware Of

Symptoms of Heartburn That You Should Be Aware Of

Heartburn is a common ailment, which leads to a burning sensation in the chest region, triggered by stomach acid as it backs up into the esophagus. The burning is felt in the upper as well as the central region of the chest, right behind the breastbone called the sternum. This sensation worsens if the affected individual lies flat on the right side.
Understanding Causes and Symptoms of Nail Fungus

Understanding Causes and Symptoms of Nail Fungus

Onychomycosis, also known as tinea unguium or nail fungus, is a problem most people face sometime in their lives. This is a fungal infection that takes place in the fingernails or toe nails. Nail fungus causes swelling, inflammation, thickening, yellowing and crumbling of the nail. While nail fungus isn’t that painful, there are some cases where it can be so.
7 Spring Allergy Symptoms

7 Spring Allergy Symptoms

Spring is lovely, but on the other hand, it is a time of year where several allergies come to surface. As plants release dust and pollens, a considerable number of people with hay fever begin to sneeze and sniffle. There is no cure, however, you can find a way to control springtime hypersensitivities and allergies.
Treat Your Bladder Leakage with these effective treatments

Treat Your Bladder Leakage with these effective treatments

Bladder leakage or urinary incontinence is a significant health issue, but most of the people feel embarrassed in discussing the problem with their physician. If you have this problem, you need not be shy about it or feel embarrassed as urinary incontinence is a common problem. Most middle-aged people especially women face this issue.
Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation

Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation

A huge number of people hold a certain misconception about atrial fibrillation.There are also those who are unaware of this term while others who know of such a condition but do not have any idea about its causes and symptoms. Atrial fibrillation is a condition wherein a patient has an irregular heartbeat, which results from inadequate flow of blood and increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Causes and Treatments For Shoulder Pain Relief

Causes and Treatments For Shoulder Pain Relief

Shoulder pain is a common problem faced by most of the people these days. Shoulder pain can be caused by different problems and need different treatments according to the diagnosis done by the doctor. We need to understand why one is having a shoulder pain, the origin of it, and then decide the treatment.
6 Symptoms That Indicate That You Are Suffering from COPD

6 Symptoms That Indicate That You Are Suffering from COPD

The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a progressive lung disease where a person typically suffers from emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Emphysema is a lung condition where the alveoli, which are the tiny sacs in the lungs that allow the passage of oxygen between the lungs and the bloodstream are destroyed.
Symptoms and Treatments of Colorectal Cancer

Symptoms and Treatments of Colorectal Cancer

One of the most common forms of cancer across the country, colorectal cancer starts from the inner lining of the large intestine including the colon and rectum. Like almost every other cancer, colorectal cancer develops from a harmless tumor that people tend to overlook. These tumors will not exhibit any symptoms until they grow large.
Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Health Complications of Psoriasis

Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Health Complications of Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that speeds up the natural life cycle of skin cells. The condition causes healthy skin cells to multiply rapidly and grow over the existing skin thus creating red patches on the skin. There are no known causes of psoriasis; however, studies indicate that an imbalance in neutrophils (white blood cells) to aid the immune system fight off infections can trigger an overproduction of skin cells leading to psoriasis.