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Simple Tips for Lowering Blood Pressure

Simple Tips for Lowering Blood Pressure

According to research, it is estimated that around 103 million people in the country live with high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. They also say that high blood pressure incidences rose by 38% between 2005 and 2015, killing around 79,000 people in this period. The AHA redefined high blood pressure as a reading of 130/80, from an earlier definition of a reading of 140/90.
Adult ADHD – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Adult ADHD – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

An adult who has ADHD may struggle with relationships at work, home, or school. Early diagnosis and treatment are vital for a person to lead a normal life. What is adult ADHD? Most people who have ADHD develop this disorder in their childhood. The symptoms of it may disappear in some children when they grow older, but studies show that it progresses into adulthood for about 60 percent of the patients.
All You Need to Know about Post Nasal Drip Cough

All You Need to Know about Post Nasal Drip Cough

Post nasal drip cough is a common condition among children and adults. This condition can affect the normal functioning of a person’s life by causing sleeplessness and severe exhaustion. With the right diagnosis and early treatment, this condition can be brought under control. What is post nasal drip cough? The glands that line the nose, airways, throat, and the stomach produce mucus every day.
Treatment Options for Enlarged Prostate

Treatment Options for Enlarged Prostate

When the prostate cells divide and multiply abnormally, it causes the organ to get enlarged in size. The benign prostatic enlargement (BPE) is also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH. A person, who is affected by enlarged prostate experiences difficulties in the urinal and sexual activities. These issues may decrease the affected person’s overall quality of life.
Effective Treatment Options for an Overactive Bladder

Effective Treatment Options for an Overactive Bladder

An overactive bladder (OAB) is a bladder disorder that causes an abnormal urge to urinate. The urge may be difficult to stop and sometimes leads to involuntary loss of urine which is referred to as urinary incontinence. This syndrome affects many elderly people in the country and is equally prevalent in both, men and women.
Know Your Knees Better with This Knee Replacement Guide

Know Your Knees Better with This Knee Replacement Guide

All of our body parts are necessary to perform several activities, and knees are something without which we cannot move even an inch. Knees are an indispensable part of the body as the knee joints enable us to walk, jump and do everything that we can’t do by being static.
10 Best Multivitamins for Women

10 Best Multivitamins for Women

Getting the recommended dosage of vitamins is essential for overall health maintenance. Having a wholesome and a healthy diet alone does not ensure an adequate supply of essential vitamins to our body. All of the vitamin and mineral requirements of our body are not met by natural, whole foods. Hence, doctors recommend multivitamin supplements to bridge this nutritional gap.
Top Treatment Options for Migraines

Top Treatment Options for Migraines

A migraine is a throbbing headache that usually hurts more on one side of the head and near the temples or eyes. It is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, or blurred vision. About 20% of migraines begin with migraine auras, which make the patient see halos around light as well as bright and wavy lines of light.
Treat Gout Effectively with Apple Cider Vinegar and Cherry Juice

Treat Gout Effectively with Apple Cider Vinegar and Cherry Juice

Apple cider vinegar is known to have been used for many purposes since ancient times. Fermentation of the cider of apples obtained by crushing and pressing apples gives you apple cider vinegar. Known to be used in a variety of ways, from cooking to heart health to losing weight, apple cider vinegar is very useful.
What You Should Know about a Sore Throat from Allergies

What You Should Know about a Sore Throat from Allergies

Dealing With A Sore Throat From Allergies A sore throat is one of the most irritating throat problems that cause a lot of discomforts. Most of the time, it is a sign of a cold and fever. A sore throat usually occurs because of viruses. The virus infected sore throat cures on its own, over a few days.
All You Need to Know about Signs of Pollen Allergies

All You Need to Know about Signs of Pollen Allergies

All You Need To Know About Signs Of Pollen Allergies Pollens are a yellow, powdery substance emitted by plants. These get transported from one plant to another by birds or by wind or by insects and/or animals. About 10 million Americans get pollen allergies as a result of exposure to this powdery yellow substance.
Top Natural Thyroid Supplements in the Market

Top Natural Thyroid Supplements in the Market

Natural thyroid supplements help combat a poorly functioning thyroid, which leads to a host of problems ranging from fatigue, weight gain and hair loss, to memory issues. It is important that you get your thyroid levels checked when suffering from these problems so that proper treatment can be started. Here are some effective natural thyroid supplements: