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Things You Need to Know about Bunion Treatment

Things You Need to Know about Bunion Treatment

A bunion or hallux valgus is a bump that is formed at the joint of the big toe to the foot. As a result of the deformity, the big toe is pointed toward the small toes while the joint is inflamed and pushed outward. Causes of this condition are often cited as genetic, wearing tight shoes, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Home Remedies for Constipation That You Need to Know

Home Remedies for Constipation That You Need to Know

The constipation remedies are determined after finding out the reasons for constipation which may include certain foods in the diet, medication, choice of lifestyle, and also certain diseases. Before selecting a remedy, it is important to understand the side effects. Understanding constipation If bowel movements are three or fewer in a week it is an indication of constipation and constipation remedies need to be sought.
Signs and Treatments of Preterm Labor

Signs and Treatments of Preterm Labor

Preterm Labor or premature labor is a condition where your body gets prepared to give birth before time. In case, you see the pain before three weeks before your due date; it is called Preterm Labor or premature labor. Preterm Labor or premature labor results in an early birth. There are different signs of preterm labor, and if you see any similar signs, you must consult your doctor immediately.
Pneumonia – Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, and Diagnosis

Pneumonia – Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, and Diagnosis

Pneumonia symptoms, whether mild or severe, should be immediately examined by a physician. A medical professional will suggest the right tests for diagnosing this disease. One should strictly follow the post-treatment precautions recommended by the doctor. Symptoms of pneumonia The symptoms of pneumonia range from mild to severe. Other factors that affect the signs of this condition are the type of pneumonia, the age of the patient as well as the state of health.
12 Potassium Rich Food Items that You Should Know

12 Potassium Rich Food Items that You Should Know

Potassium plays a significant role in balancing the fluids and minerals in the human body. It also helps the muscles to function properly. If there is a deficiency of potassium in your body, then it can cause fatigue, high blood pressure, and anxiety. Potassium is a nutrient which is needed by the organs to functions in a healthy manner.
A Guide to Uric Acid and How to Lower Uric Acid Levels

A Guide to Uric Acid and How to Lower Uric Acid Levels

Uric acid is a compound that consists of the elements carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen. The composition is such that six carbon atoms combine with four hydrogen atoms, four nitrogen atom, and three oxygen atoms to form a molecule of uric acid. It is a component found normally in urine. It is created when the body breaks down compounds called purines.
Scabies – Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options

Scabies – Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options

Scabies is a highly contagious skin condition that spreads easily among people who live in crowded areas or close-knit communities. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent the development of serious complications. What is scabies? Scabies is a skin condition with symptoms like severe itching and a rash that can spread all over the body.
Effective Treatment Options for Sinusitis

Effective Treatment Options for Sinusitis

Sinus blockage occurs when there is a swelling and congestion in the sinus tissues. This can occur due to an infection or it can be caused by allergies. Clearing the congestion is the best way to get relief from the pain and discomfort caused by sinusitis. Sinusitis There are small hollow spaces in the skull, around the nose, known as sinuses.
6 Tips to Relieve Sinus Pressure Naturally

6 Tips to Relieve Sinus Pressure Naturally

Sinuses always come in pairs of two and are found in four main areas of the face namely the frontal (in your forehead), ethmoid (between your eyes and across your nose), maxillary (in your cheeks), and sphenoid (behind your eyes and along the back of your head). If you feel a sharp sensation in the head and pressure around your eyes, forehead or even cheeks, a sinus infection could be one of the reasons.
All You Need to Know about Pain in the Leg Muscles

All You Need to Know about Pain in the Leg Muscles

Have you been experiencing pain in your leg muscles? Pain in the legs may occur due to different conditions that affect the joints, bones, muscles, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels, tendons or skin. You may experience leg pain in the ankle, behind the knee, foot, thigh, at the back of the leg or any other part.
Diet for Gout – Best and Worst Foods

Diet for Gout – Best and Worst Foods

Gout is a form of arthritis which involves swelling, pain, and inflammation of joints. Most gout cases tend to affect knees, heels, fingers, wrists as well as the big toes. It is estimated that about 8.3 million citizens in the country face the problem of gout. Usually, the symptoms of gout occur when a person’s blood has excess uric acid in their body.
5 Effective Treatment Options for Dry Eyes

5 Effective Treatment Options for Dry Eyes

The dry eye syndrome can be a progressive and chronic condition that needs to be treated as early as possible. Depending on the cause of the problem and severity, the condition might not be completely treatable. However, dry eyes are manageable in most cases and this result in fewer dry eye symptoms, greater eye comfort, and sharper vision.